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Acknowledgments Published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The Metropolitan Museum of Art endeavors to respect - Mark Polizzotti, Publisher and Editor in Chief copyright in a manner consistent with its nonpro昀椀t Many individuals assisted us with the study and presen tation of these remarkable, fragile textiles. For the ancient Peter Antony, Associate Publisher for Production educational mission. If you believe any material has works, we bene昀椀ted greatly from the expertise of Christine Michael Sittenfeld, Associate Publisher for Editorial been included in this publication improperly, please Giuntini, Conservator in The Michael C. Rockefeller Wing, contact the Publications and Editorial Department. and her colleague, Lauren Posada, Assistant Conservator. Editor of the Bulletin: Anne Blood Mann For the modern works, we are indebted to Kristine Kamiya, Manuscript edited by Anne Blood Mann and All rights reserved. No part of this publication may Conservator, Department of Textile Conservation, and our Cecilia Weddell be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any colleagues in the Antonio Ratti Textile Center: Eva Labson, Production by Christopher Zichello means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, General Manager and Head; Elena Kanagy-Loux, former Designed by Logan Myers, McCall Associates recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, Collection Specialist; and Eva Holiday DeAngelis-Glasser, Bibliographic editing by Alicia Badea without permission in writing from the publishers. Associate Administrator. Image acquisitions and permissions by Jenn Sherman In the Department of Modern and Contemporary Typeset in Basel Grotesk, Macan, and Macan Stencil The Metropolitan Museum of Art Art, we thank Catherine Burns, Collections Manager; Separations by Professional Graphics, Inc., 1000 Fifth Avenue Cynthia Iavarone, Senior Collections Manager; Alejandro Rockford, Illinois New York, New York 10028 Leal-Pulido, Collections Management Associate; and Katy Printed and bound by GHP Media, Inc., Uravitch, Senior Manager, Administration, Operations, and West Haven, Connecticut Collection Management. In The Michael C. Rockefeller Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation Wing, we are grateful to Arianna Martínez, former Lifchez/ Publication title: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin Stronach Curatorial Intern; Damien Marzocchi, Senior Publication number: 885-660 Departmental Technician; Matthew Noiseux, Senior Date of 昀椀ling: September 5, 2023 Administrator; David Rhoads, Senior Collections Manager; Issue frequency: Quarterly and Jackie Zanca, former Collections Specialist. Additional Front cover: Anni Albers, detail of Pasture, 1958 (昀椀g. 33). Number of issues published annually: Four thanks are owed to associate conservators Dawn Kriss Inside front cover: Inca artist, detail of tunic, 16th century Annual subscription price: $30.00, or free to and Teresa Jiménez Millas, along with Chelsea Garunay, (昀椀g. 21). Page 2: Olga de Amaral, detail of Alchemy 13 Museum Members Design Manager, Exhibition Design; Joachim Hackl, (Alquimia 13), 1984 (昀椀g. 50). Page 6: Chimú artist, detail of Complete mailing address of known of昀椀ce of publication: Exhibition Designer; Aislinn Hyde, Associate Registrar; hanging, 12th–15th century (昀椀g. 18). Page 26: Lenore Tawney, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10028-0198 and Aileen Marcantonio, Exhibitions Project Manager. detail of Untitled, 1961 (昀椀g. 45). Inside back cover: Sheila Complete mailing address of headquarters or general A talented team produced this Bulletin: senior photo- Hicks, detail of Linen Lean-To, designed 1967–68, executed business of昀椀ce of publisher: 1000 Fifth Avenue, graphers Hyla Skopitz and Peter Zeray; Alicia Badea, 1985. Linen, 59 ⼀椀 × 82 ⼀最 × 6 in. (150.2 × 210.2 × 15.2 cm). New York, N.Y. 10028-0198 Bibliographer; Jenn Sherman, Image Acquisitions The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Full names and addresses of publisher, editor, and Specialist; Cecilia Weddell, Associate Editor; and Anonymous Gift, 1986 (1986.7). Back cover: Chimú artist, managing editor: Christopher Zichello, Senior Production Manager. Logan detail of loincloth, 12th–15th century (昀椀g. 17). Publisher: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Myers at McCall Associates designed this issue. We have Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10028-0198 Editor: Anne Blood been fortunate to work with Anne Blood Mann, Senior Photographs of works in The Met collection are by Mann, Publications and Editorial Department, The Editor, to whom we express our enduring gratitude. Peter Zeray, Imaging Department, The Metropolitan Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue, Finally, our appreciation goes to The Modern Circle for Museum of Art, unless otherwise noted. Additional New York, N.Y. 10028-0198 photography credits: supporting this exhibition. The Met’s quarterly Bulletin © The Josef and Anni Albers Managing Editor: None program is made possible, in part, by the Lila Acheson Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Owner: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Wallace Fund for The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2023. Image: Albers Foundation/Art Resource, NY. Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10028-0198 Known bondholders, established by the cofounder of Reader’s Digest. Photo by Tim Nighswander / Imaging4Art: 昀椀gs. 28, 31, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or 34; © The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation / Artists holding one percent or more of the total amount of Rights Society (ARS), New York, 2023 © 2023 Artists bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Tax status: The purpose, function, and nonpro昀椀t status This publication is issued in conjunction with the exhibi - Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, photo by Hyla of this organization and the exempt status for federal tion Weaving Abstraction in Ancient and Modern Art, on Skopitz: 昀椀g. 29; © The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation income tax purposes has not changed during the view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, from / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, 2023. Image preceding 12 months. March 4 through June 16, 2024. © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, photo by Teri Aderman: 昀椀gs. 30, 35; © The Josef and Anni Albers Average no. copies each issue during preceding The exhibition is made possible by The Modern Circle. Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, 12 months (Oct. 2022–Sept. 2023) / No. copies of single 2023. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, photo issue published nearest to 昀椀ling date (August 2023) The Metropolitan’s quarterly Bulletin program is by Peter Zeray: 昀椀gs. 32, 33; Courtesy Autry Museum: 昀椀g. supported, in part, by the Lila Acheson Wallace Fund 19; Courtesy Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin: 昀椀g. 27; Courtesy A. Total number of copies (net press run) 44,910 46,175 for The Metropolitan Museum of Art, established by Buffalo Museum of Science: 昀椀g. 1; © Courtesy Olga de B. Paid circulation (by mail and outside the cofounder of Reader’s Digest. Amaral. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, photo the mail) by Teri Aderman: 昀椀g. 47; © Courtesy Olga de Amaral. 1. Mailed outside-county paid subscriptions 41,574 42,789 The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Fall 2023 Photo by Diego Amaral: 昀椀g. 46; © Courtesy Olga de 2. Mailed in-county paid subscriptions 0 0 Volume LXXXI, Number 2 Amaral. Image courtesy MAD: 昀椀gs. 48, 49; © Courtesy 3. Paid distribution outside the mails Copyright © 2023 by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Olga de Amaral. Image © The Metropolitan Museum including sales through dealers New York of Art, photo by Peter Zeray: p. 2, 昀椀g. 50; Courtesy The and carriers, street vendors, counter Getty Research Institute: 昀椀g. 26; © Sheila Hicks. Photo sales, and other paid distribution The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (ISSN 0026-1521) by Matt Flynn © Smithsonian Institution: 昀椀gs. 36, 37, 44; outside USPS 0 0 is published quarterly by The Metropolitan Museum © Sheila Hicks. Image courtesy MAD: 昀椀g. 40; © Sheila 4. Paid distribution by other classes of mail through the USPS 2,600 2,600 of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028-0198. Hicks. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, photo C. Total paid distribution (sum of B1–B4) 44,174 45,389 Periodicals postage paid at New York NY and additional by Lee Oi-Cheong: 昀椀g. 38; © Sheila Hicks. Digital Image D. 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Free or nominal rate distribution Archive Publishing Company, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann 昀椀g. 20; Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, outside the mail 0 0 Arbor, MI 48106. Volumes I–XXXVII (1905–42) available as a photo by Juan Trujillo: 昀椀g. 21; Image © The Metropolitan E. Total free or nominal rate clothbound reprint set or as individual yearly volumes from Museum of Art, photo by Peter Zeray: p. 5, 昀椀gs. 3, 4–10, distribution (sum of D1–D4) 0 0 Ayer Company Publishers, Suite B-213, 400 Bedford Street, 15, 16, 22–25; Photo by Adam Reich, courtesy Lenore G. F. Total distribution (sum of C and E) 44,174 45,389 G. Copies not distributed 736 786 Manchester, NH 03101, or from the Metropolitan Museum, Tawney Foundation: 昀椀g. 41; Courtesy The Royal Danish H. Total (sum of F and G) 44,910 46,175 66–26 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village, NY 11381-0001. Library, Copenhagen: 昀椀g. 2 I. Percent paid 100% 100%

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