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Fig. 26. “Sumptuous garment of a mummy,” from Wilhelm Reiss and Alphons Stübel, The Necropolis of Ancon in Peru, vol. 2, 1880–87. Chromolithograph. The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (2992-584; pl. 49) vulcanologists turned archaeologists Wilhelm Reiss and (The Art of Old Peru, 1924) and Max Schmidt’s Kunst und Alphons Stübel gave a large collection to the Königliches Kultur von Peru (Art and Culture of Peru, 1929), which was Museum für Völkerkunde in exchange for the production part of a series published by Anni Albers’s family. of a luxurious archaeological atlas. Published between The Andean textiles on view in galleries and tex- 1880 and 1887, the three volumes of The Necropolis of tile study rooms in Berlin and elsewhere internationally, Ancon in Peru illustrate the results of their excavations at including at The Met, along with the related publications, 21 the seaside resort of Ancón, near Lima. The most dramatic captured the imagination of several artists in the twentieth 昀椀nds were elaborate mummy bundles, individuals carefully century, including Albers. She remarked with admiration wrapped in textiles, including very 昀椀nely woven Wari tunics. that they represented “a standard of achievement that is 23 To capture all the vibrancy of the textiles’ colors, Reiss and unsurpassed” for design and production. The lines of Stübel opted for chromolithography over photography for descent, of in昀氀uence, inspiration, and aspiration, were the plates (昀椀g. 26). Stübel wrote of the astonishing quality direct and acknowledged. The enduring textile traditions of the Ancón textiles, comparing them to tapestries from of the Andes did not dissipate like the smoke from once the famed Gobelins Manufactory in Paris and marveling great 昀椀res—they were the kindling for the ambitious exper- at the excellent preservation of the color and the complex iments of modern textile artists. 22 patterning. More volumes on ancient Andean art were published in the 昀椀rst decades of the twentieth century, including books that enjoyed greater circulation, such as Walter Lehmann’s Kunstgeschichte des Alten Peru 25

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